Monday, 17 December 2012


Sweater/Acne, Shorts/Levis Vintage

Got woken up (at 8.30!) with breakfast in bed and a present :) I got this lime green angora Acne sweater I've been drooling over I feel so lucky now!
I am as I said yesterday officially a quarter of a century old :D gosh I still feel like 21!! But as my wise father said today: We don't stop playing cus we get old, but we get old because we stop playing. :) So I'm going to keep playing and being silly!


  1. Ihana paita, ei Riku edes tarvinut apua!! Ja haha mä onnittelin sua jo lauantaina, olin vähän etuajassa :----DD

    1. joo mä tiedän :') mähän sanoin sille et sen ei tarvitse olla huolissaan se tuntee mut :D pusuja muru!
